207 – Social Media Strategies with Lael Sturm
Lael runs LPSS (Long Play Digital Solutions), a digital marketing agency, working with real estate agents, mortgage brokers, attorneys and others to grow their business through social media, search, email marketing, and online advertising. They provide strategic advice and real-world tactics for growing your business, building teams, getting products to market and identifying opportunities.
In today’s episode, we explore how to use social media to market properties and draw attention to your business.
In this episode, you’ll learn..
- Social Media is absolutely essential for real estate professionals
- People look at your profiles before ever speaking to you.
- Social proof is critical in the decision-making process- friends ‘liking’ you makes all the difference and increases conversions.
- Social increases your ‘audience’ of potential clients
- What you post to social differentiates you from the competition
- Allows you to demonstrate expertise beyond the inventory you represent
- Frequent posts keep you top of mind with clients, prospective clients and referral partners
- Facebook offers a great alternative to setting up a stand-alone website for every property
- A website is another ‘property’ that you need to market. Why double your effort driving people to a website when what you really want is to drive them your property?
- Facebook pages offer all the same functionality- add images, videos, and descriptions- plus there is a built-in audience.
Links and resources mentioned in this episode.
- https://www.lpss.co/
- @LPSS_DigitalMarketing (Instagram)
- https://www.lpss.co/rerocks
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