153 – Prop Tech with Xavier Claes
Drawbotics is the one-stop-shop for real estate marketing, the platform where you can order all the marketing services (3D visuals, video animations, brand ID, brochures, virtual home stagings, floor plans, etc) you need to better market your properties. Xavier is the digital marketing manager at Drawbotics, launching the campaign that won the linkedIn marketing awards celebrating the very best of digital marketing. Today we’re discussing Prop Tech businesses, what they do, and how they can benefit you.
In this episode, you’ll learn..
- What are Proptech businesses?
- Well known Proptechs
- Why use Proptechs?
- What tools do Proptechs offer? What are the costs?
- What is the future of Proptech?
- Where does Drawbotics fit in?
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