263 – 7 Levers for Success with Derek Tye
Derek has been in the business since 2004 and serves the Cincinnati Ohio area. His lifetime volume is $300 million across 1,400 sales. In 2019, he and his team of 5 (Derek, 1 Operations Manager and 2 Team Agents) made 101 sales for $29 million. Derek is also the author of 2 books, the most recent of which is the Seven Levers of Real Estate, and also his first book The Lord’s Prayer for Entrepreneurs.
In today’s episode, we explore the 7 Levers from Derek’s book, and how they can benefit your business.
In this episode, you’ll learn..
- Lever #1 – People
- Lever #2 – Systems & Tools
- Lever #3 – Time
- Lever #4 – Listings
- Lever #5 – Affiliations
- Lever #6 – Database
- Lever #7 – Content Creation
Links and resources mentioned in this episode.
- www.derektye.com
- www.TheTyeGroup.com
- Instagram: @kingdombusinesscoach
- Twitter: @derektye
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